Tribal Banners
Each under the banners (or flags or standards) of his father’s house. What does that mean? When I think of…
Continue Reading →Each under the banners (or flags or standards) of his father’s house. What does that mean? When I think of…
Continue Reading →In the Exodus story we have 13 tribes, each named for a son or grandson of Jacob. Thirteen? No, no,…
Continue Reading →The Exodus begins with a brisk walk to Succoth, followed by a supernaturally fast day-and-night journey to Etham. It’s there…
Continue Reading →After the Hebrews leave the Delta area of Egypt where they lived for many generations, they travel to Succoth. Their…
Continue Reading →The Hebrews had cattle, sheep, goats, donkeys, dogs, and birds of various kinds. Whether they graze on grass, shrub, or…
Continue Reading →As a followup to Imagine Yourself in a Crowd, let’s explore the numbers of people (etc) involved in the Exodus….
Continue Reading →The Exodus begins on Nissan 15. They make it to Mount Sinai on Sivan 1, 44 days later. After the…
Continue Reading →What day of the week was the first Passover?How long did the matzoh last in the desert?When did we first…
Continue Reading →One of the pitfalls of writing a book about large numbers of people, is you have to deal with the…
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