Threshing & Hulling Emmer
Emmer is an old variety of wheat (and a Farro grain) grown extensively in the ancient world, including by Ancient…
Continue Reading →Emmer is an old variety of wheat (and a Farro grain) grown extensively in the ancient world, including by Ancient…
Continue Reading →So do you ever read the Bible and think to yourself, how much blood did Moses throw anyway? No? Maybe…
Continue Reading →Once the Hebrews arrive in Mount Sinai and set up the first of their long-term camps (after a month and…
Continue Reading →Jewish weddings even today follow traditions thousands of years old. Still, a modern wedding, no matter how strictly observant, will…
Continue Reading →That’s the question, isn’t it? Many people are sure they know where Mount Sinai is but it’s hardly settled. Most…
Continue Reading →Before there was manna in the Wilderness of Sin, there was quail. Manna came the morning after they ran out…
Continue Reading →Every single society ever has had members who fall in love with people deemed the wrong gender for them (or…
Continue Reading →A sky blue gemstone found in only a few places in the world. Including Egypt and Arizona. Turquoise is a…
Continue Reading →Once our travelers cross the Red Sea and find themselves on the Arabian Peninsula, they watch the Egyptian soldiers drown,…
Continue Reading →Our Exodus travelers are at Pi-Hahiroth, at the western shores of the Red Sea. They look out to the east,…
Continue Reading →Along the dry path between the walls of water that pass through the Red Sea, the last group of Hebrews…
Continue Reading →Instead of using modern hours and minutes, the Ancient day was broken up into descriptive chunks of time. The nighttime…
Continue Reading →My time travelers, naturally, think of time in hours and minutes. One of them even has a digital watch. But…
Continue Reading →I am looking for songs or sung prayers that might have existed in the pre-Exodus period. To be used by…
Continue Reading →The Exodus travelers enter the Sinai Peninsula at its northwestern corner, make their way along the wide flat road to…
Continue Reading →Each under the banners (or flags or standards) of his father’s house. What does that mean? When I think of…
Continue Reading →In the Exodus story we have 13 tribes, each named for a son or grandson of Jacob. Thirteen? No, no,…
Continue Reading →The Exodus begins with a brisk walk to Succoth, followed by a supernaturally fast day-and-night journey to Etham. It’s there…
Continue Reading →After the Hebrews leave the Delta area of Egypt where they lived for many generations, they travel to Succoth. Their…
Continue Reading →The Hebrews had cattle, sheep, goats, donkeys, dogs, and birds of various kinds. Whether they graze on grass, shrub, or…
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