The Boat Children by Cyndi Norwitz
Novel in progress.

Cyndi’s Publications
In the Light of Peace: A Creative Spiritual Community’s Poems and Meditations. Edited by Leiah Bowden, with Abby Bogomolny, Sally Churgel and Rita Rapoport Rowan. Bayit. Expected publication Spring 2021. Three poems by Cyndi Norwitz: Grief Storm, Avodah, and Avot v’Imahot—Ancestors Interpretive Version. Website at Bayit.
I Call to You. Lyrics: Cyndi Norwitz, Music: Jill Rose. Video by Congregation Ner Shalom. October 1, 2020. YouTube.
Why Faith: An Anthology Hoping to Find Answers in the Unknown. Edited by Jack Holder. Arcane Inkdustries. November 26, 2019. Let the Beet Go On. Script Cyndi Norwitz, art Greg Woronchak, colors Andrea Blanco, letters Micah Myers. Pages 129-132. Goodreads. Amazon e-book.
Police in Nicaragua Town Question Gay Men. Byline as Cyndi Norman for article and photo. Gay Community News, Boston, MA. February 1-7, 1987. Page 3. Archive.
“Gays Here Will Organize Because They Have To, Managua, Nicaragua”. Byline as Cyndi Norman. Gay Community News, Boston, MA. November 30-December 6, 1986. Page 9. Archive.
Michael Rickman
February 3, 2024 at 11:25 pmDo you have a statement of faith?
February 4, 2024 at 7:02 amHi, I’m not sure what you mean by that. I’m a Jew. Is that what you want to know?